Enter supporting content here I need a haircut Wilsh's Corner The cast that nearly single handedly destroyed Wilsthire and Jefferis Live......clap......clap.....clap The much better looking cast, cause im in it Fergies Lover He's looking good Stan likes what he sees Deoderoant or Shower Spray? Before And after Verification Day Sleep..........i had ange and nic! Its never too late to lift weights! The Adventures of Tree Climbing Guy.........up a pole.... Hey number 20, your fat Nic eyes off Wilsh.....watch out eve Is that.....an.....anchovy? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its hideous Nic really really wants Wilsh i swear she told me Jules: I'll bet you 1 + 1 is 2 He didnt pay up Its 2! My god Jo, about as exciting as replays off A Current Afair from 1970 Our seceratary, Joanna Briskey ooooooooooooh yeeaaah, they cant act but they sure can stand there and look hot One word can be used as a caption for this picture. Freaks Ange. The Federal Agricultre Minister, being questioned about the effects the War Against Terror will have on the Australian Agriculture. "No further Questions, I have to go find my cows someone left the fucking gate open" |