Liam Witshire: "Liam Wiltshire" Liam has created an unforgettable impression as one of TV's favorite fat guys. His unflappable attitude and deadpan delivery are an inspiration. Born: 2083 Other TV and Movie Appearances: "Lookout, Theres a Cat" and "Hairspray" (directed by John Waters), "What We Did For Love" followed by the sequel "What We Did For Divorce", "Lookout, The Cat is Back", "Lookout, That Damn Cat Won't Go Away" and of course "Hairspray 2: The Hairspray Strikes Back" (directed by Bob Waters? and soon to hit the silver screen, "Ricardo and The Techincoloured Dream Float". 
Dave Rothwell Dave has become the source of our funding for the show. He successfully sued Lucas Arts ltd. for stealing the character from the Star Wars movies, Chewbacca from himself without his permission. He won a huge $400 000 000 cash settlement, and is an integral part of the show and although part wookie is also very very funny. Well done Chewba- i mean Chewdave, i mean Dave. 
Mitchell Geraghty Mitchell or better known as "The Geck", joined us fresh off his stint on "The Darkest Hour", a Don Giovani Cut. He is also critically acclaimed from his work in "Spin Cycle" as Rex. The Geck brings witty humor to the show that has been lacking with the likes of Marty "The Fag" Perkins and Brendan "Creatine Man" Stanley. That just about does it for the geck. mmmyes. |